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How to calculate a memory of a specific size
I would like to design a 4kb memory.
The size of a memory is equal to 2^m words or 2^m*n bits, m for address lines n for data lines.
In verilog we can write
reg [WordSize-1:0] Mem [0:Address_width];
B. George
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Answers: 1
modelsim simulation time cycles appear to be different than test_bench
i have a testbench which states at the top:
'timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps
a clock which is defined as:
code in testbench
always begin
#5 sys_clk = ~sys_clk;
#20 clk_in = ~clk_in;
#8 clk_acq = ~clk_a...
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Answers: 1
Can bazel package depend on a source file in another package
A few years ago I wrote a set of wrappers for Bazel that enabled me to use it to build FPGA code. The FPGA bit is only relevant because the full clean build takes many CPU days so I really care about ...
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Answers: 1
Machine state does not change output
As you can see in the code below, I have a machine state with a state called start. This state should take the value of coord_x_reg , increment it by one and assign it to the output port using the ass...
Ginés Díaz
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Answers: 1