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How to calculate a memory of a specific size
I would like to design a 4kb memory.
The size of a memory is equal to 2^m words or 2^m*n bits, m for address lines n for data lines.
In verilog we can write
reg [WordSize-1:0] Mem [0:Address_width];
B. George
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Answers: 1
Scrolling is too fast with touchpad
When I try to scroll using the touchpad in VScode it is too fast but if I connect an external mouse it works perfectly and if I use the touchpad on for example notepad it scrolls perfectly.
My laptop ...
sector viper
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Answers: 1
BalenaOS use Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board's Real-Time Clock inside container
I'm trying to use the CM4 IO board's Real-Time Clock (RTC) to persist datetime changes from within a docker container, so whenever the device reboots, it remembers the newly set datetime. (By default ...
Nico V
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Answers: 1
MacOS is scrambling bluetooth PINs if they contain char values greater than 0x7E
I'm trying connect a MacOS Monterey 12.3 (M1, 2020) laptop to a bluetooth device typically intended for embedded applications.
The device's bluetooth PIN is the device's address and therefore has char...
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Answers: 0