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ISR execution in a non-preemptive system
in a non preemptive system, after an ISR finishes execution, will the interrupted task continue execution even if a higher priority task was activated?
Muhammad Ali
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Answers: 1
How a context switch works in a RTOS, need clarity
im wondering whether I understand the concept of a RTOS, and more specifically the scheduling process, correctly.
So, I think I understand the process of a timer interrupt (i omitted the interrupt ena...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How Can I read 4 sensor at the same time on Raspberry Pi 4
I am new to raspberry pi, I was coding FREETOS on stm32f4 thanks for cube IDE.
I have 4 sensors (BNO055,MPU9250, MS5611, BME-280) plugged to raspberry pi 4 with shield. Also, I will do control of the ...
burak atalay
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
GPS data blocked by other tasks in the while loop
I am trying to parse GPS data while reading pressure sensor, IMU sensor and writing some data to SD card. Since reading pressure sensor, IMU sensor and writing SD card takes some time and GPS don't wa...
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Answers: 1