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Rtklib: use rtklib in an android which supports raw measurements to get accurate positions
I am working on a project where I obtain raw gps measurements in a supported Android phone and use rtklib's Android port that is rtk-gps to correct this data with correction from a dgps base station.
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Answers: 1
How can I fix orphaned holes error in ```LoCoH.a()``` home range calculation?
I am using a for loop to cycle through multiple animal's GPS data and create LoCoH.a() home ranges for each. Some are working fine while others are producing Error in rgeos::createPolygonsComment(oob...
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Answers: 1
How to know if my react native expo app is using External GPS readings?
I've built an expo app using expo location and react native maps libraries. I connect an external GPS via Bluetooth to my phone. Then the accuracy reading in my app becomes fixed at 5 meters. I don't ...
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Answers: 1
longitude and latitude to position on map
I'm trying to implement a function, which takes a pair of longitude and latitude values and calculates a position on a map. It's a map of Germany as an svg . So when I google the longitude and latitud...
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Answers: 0