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GATK: HaplotypceCaller IntelPairHmm only detecting 1 thread
I can't seem to get GATK to recognise the number of available threads. I am running GATK ( in a conda environment which is part of a nextflow (v20.10.0) pipeline I'm writing. For whatever reas...
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Answers: 2
Snakemake integrate the multiple command lines in a rule
The output of my first command line "bcftools query -l {input.invcf} | head -n 1" prints the name of the first individual of vcf file (i.e. IND1). I want to use that output in selectvariants...
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Answers: 3
Snakemake first genotype of a vcf file as wildcard in output
In the second rule I would like to select from the vcf file containing bob, clara and tim, only the first genotype of dictionary (i.e. bob) in roder to get as output in the second rule bob.dn.vcf. Is ...
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Answers: 1
How to run ensembl-vep in conda
I’ve installed like so:
conda install ensembl-vep=105.0-0
And then installed the human cache like this:
vep_install -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh38 -c /mnt/gpfs/live/rd01__/ritd-ag-project-rd018o-mdf...
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Answers: 1