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Issue with map file output from plink
I am working with the vcf file (generated using bcftools) to create a map file using plink software. The command i am using is
./plink --vcf sample.vcf --out sample --recode --allow-extra-chr
The ou...
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Answers: 1
select uniquely mapped genes to SNP
I have a vcf and want to select 100 genes, and for each gene, to select one SNP?
Technically if we consider one gene it has many rsid mapped to it. For my analysis I need to select 100 genes and for e...
Rhea Bedi
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Answers: 1
NGS Analysis: How can I extract the different variants in two VCF files
I am currently working on my thesis and I am trying to analyze the results of NGS sequencing Illumina. I am not really familiar with bioinformatics and in this part of my project, I am trying two comp...
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Answers: 1
How to run ensembl-vep in conda
I’ve installed like so:
conda install ensembl-vep=105.0-0
And then installed the human cache like this:
vep_install -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh38 -c /mnt/gpfs/live/rd01__/ritd-ag-project-rd018o-mdf...
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Answers: 1