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How to get dpi using program on Xfce Desktop environment?
Xfce supports HiDPI scaling which can be enabled using the settings manager:
1.Go to Settings Manager > Appearance > Settings > Window Scaling and select 2 as the scaling factor.
I wonder to ...
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Answers: 1
I test pyttsx3 and all is allways the same, robotic voice , i cannot change this voice
enter code here
import pyttsx3
import os
texte = input("le texte à exprimer ? : ")
tts = pyttsx3.init()
voices = tts.getProperty('voices')
tts.setProperty("voice", ...
Pierre Solfud
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Answers: 0
Edit existing XFCE theme buttons
This is driving me a little nuts;
I'm trying to edit the title bar buttons for a simple theme i created using oomox.
I edited the buttons in .themes/(Project Name)/xfwm4 but my changes do not seem to ...
Christopher Moore
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Answers: 0
xfce-terminal new window at random location plus echo that value
I want to spawn new xfce-terminal windows and run some arbitrary code. I can get it to generate a random number and use that as the X coordinate for the window location, but I would like to also pass ...
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Answers: 1