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FRC Limelight not posting to NetworkTables
I have a roborio 1, limelight 2, OpenMesh radio and this code:
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Answers: 1
ADXRS450 Gyro not reading
I have a roborio 1, with an ADXRS450 gyro plugged in to the SPI port. I have tried to access it with the following code:
private ADXRS450_Gyro compass = new ADXRS450_Gyro(SPI.Port.kOnboardCS0);
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Answers: 1
How can I test if the LTrigger or RTrigger from Xbox controller is pressed in java?
So I am trying to check if the LTrigger or the RTrigger is pressed. Here is what I am trying to do.
public double getLeftTriggerAxis() {
return getRawAxis(Axis.kLeftTrigger.value);
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Answers: 0