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Word Document Formatting Issue
I am currently trying to manipulate a Word file to get it in a proper format to convert it to a GIFT format. Currently, I have the document in the following form:
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Ed the Analyst
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Answers: 1
Can I use * in Process's getRunTime().exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir) ? I keep getting createprocess error=2
Below is the portion that is throwing the error
File dir = fcd.getSelectedFile(); // file directory in which to compile all code
String[] cmdarray = {"javac *.java"};
try {
Process proce...
Mason McGerry
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
search the word and have any integer from 0-9 at the end of that word by using fgrep command in linux
command to search the word Good or good and have any integer from 0-9 at the end of that word by using fgrep command in linux
anyone answer my Question It will be very Helpful
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Answers: 1
Snakemake: Manually creating a wildcard from a string
Suppose I have two strings, a template and target string.
Template string: "param1~{wildcard1}/param2~{wildcard2}_param3~{wildcard3}"
Target string: "param1~1.1/param2~a_b_c_param3~345&...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2