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My UIautomator is not starting in mac. I have done everything possible
I am learning appium and I have set up everything that is required. I have setup paths, installed android studio, run appium and created a virtual android device too. But when i am writing uiautomator...
Syed Huzaifa Akbar
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Answers: 2
How to run uiautomatorviewer in java 11?
-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.14\lib;..\lib is not supported. Use -classpath instead.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A ...
Shruti Patil
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
UIAutomatorViewer - Can't see the option to open UI XML Dump to import ui.uix file
I am able to open UIAutomatorviewer from the below location(1).
unfortunately UI XML Dump option is not in the dialogue box after clicking on open(2)
Others can see this option when i check in stack...
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Answers: 0
unable to open uiautomatorviewer on mac
i am getting below error while trying to open uiautomatorviewer from both terminal and try to open file itself.
MacBook-Pro:~ aalpesh81$ uiautomatorviewer
Alpesh Savani
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Answers: 1