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My UIautomator is not starting in mac. I have done everything possible
I am learning appium and I have set up everything that is required. I have setup paths, installed android studio, run appium and created a virtual android device too. But when i am writing uiautomator...
Syed Huzaifa Akbar
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
How to execute UI Automator integration tests when building an Android app
I have integrated UI Automator on my app, and in Android Studio I can execute the ExampleInstrumentedTest.kt and the test inside of it are executed.
I would know how can I execute these tests when I b...
Alessandro Violante
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How to make Android UIAutomator continue test when assertEquals failed?
Say the case:
// ./gradlew -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=com.example.demo.Debug#debug connectedAndroidTest
fun debug() {
assertEquals("n", "...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Android Automator: Is it possible to append file in Download folder?
I've read the Kotlin append to file thread, and my UIAutomator code looks like:
fun appendLog(text: String?) {
val logFile = File("/sdcard/Download/autotest.log")
if (!logFile.exists...
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Answers: 0