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Running razor pages hosted, blazor web assembly, application on IIS 10
I have created a razor pages application which hosts several blazor wasm components on various pages.
It runs perfectly okay in visual studio with no errors reported in the browser developer tools con...
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Answers: 1
Razor Pages & Role Based Authorzation. Got trouble with applying roles to Shared Layout
I am working on my school project, which I have done. And want to try to add something more.
Right now I have the problem with role-based authorzation. I have set up in the controllers to autherize on...
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Answers: 0
Why doesn't Razor automatically recompile after save when using .NET 6.0?
I was unhappy after moving to .NET 6 when I discovered that changes I made to the razor weren't being automatically compiled after clicking save. I spent months having to restart the whole web server ...
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Answers: 1
How do I bind a Razor partial to a sub-property of its parent's model?
I have a form in a Razor page containing loads of fields, all with identical markup.
@page "{id:int}"
@model RazorPagesMovie.Pages.Movies.EditModel
<form method="post">
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Answers: 0