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CloudFormation Template errors on AWS
Having trouble solving these errors on my template for AWS.
Here are my errors:
WobblelandSecurityGroup CREATE_FAILED Value of property GroupName must be of type String
PrivateSubnet CREATE_FAILED...
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Answers: 1
Unable to access website through auto scaled instances in AWS
Firstly I have created an EC2 instance and made it a webserver by installing httpd. Later added some content to display in index.html file. Added http rule so that I can open it on google.
Website ope...
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Answers: 0
Restricting access to ECS EC2 instance types using IAM Policies
I have a query regarding restricting access to AWS Resources using IAM Policies. I was able to restrict ec2 resources to *. micro, *. nano, *. small, *. medium. However, when I was trying the same thi...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How to get ca-bundle from openssl
I have generated the SSL using openssl using the following commands. Which have generated the cert and key file but where do I get the ca-bundle file. I need the ca-bundle file to include in nodejs ap...
Ashiq Dey
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Answers: 0