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Error in calculating the increase function with micrometer
I'm generating custom metrics with micrometer using quarkus, when executing the "increase" function directly in prometheus the value presented for the calculation is wrong.
I believe that th...
Dionatan Araujo
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Answers: 1
prometheus-adapter unable to fetch CPU metrics for pod podName skipping
We try to install Prometheus in AWS EKS through
kube-prometheus, However, we got an error for kubectl top command.
kubectl top po -n monitoring
error: Metrics not available for pod monitoring/podName...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Prometheus Backup and Restore - How to backup and restore metrics data, alerts, servicemonitors/job from old prometheus to new prometheus
I want to export metrics data, alerts, servicemonitors from one prometheus to another prometheus.
How snapshot backup and restore works as in what all things are backed up (only
metrics data (or) ser...
Ajaykumar U
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Answers: 0
Prometheus : condition on label value and add other result as information
i have a query to perform
sum by(proxy, code) (rate(haproxy_server_http_responses_total{code=~"5xx|2xx",proxy="api_backend"}[10m]))
the result of this query
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Answers: 1