1 year ago



Ajaykumar U

Prometheus Backup and Restore - How to backup and restore metrics data, alerts, servicemonitors/job from old prometheus to new prometheus

I want to export metrics data, alerts, servicemonitors from one prometheus to another prometheus.

  • How snapshot backup and restore works as in what all things are backed up (only metrics data (or) servicemonitors/jobs, alerts, metrics is everything backed up)?
  • How to restore the snapshot in new prometheus?
  • How to verify if the metrics are imported to new prometheus?
  • Also is there a way to take backup of alert rules, servicemonitors/jobs and restore it to new prometheus?

Note: Prometheus is deployed using Kube-prometheus-stack/prometheus-operator

Found few posts which suggests to use "snapshot" or "pointing to old PV" methods to backup the prometheus data.

  1. I deleted the previous folder and added my new snapshot folder as suggested in these links - https://suraj.io/post/how-to-backup-and-restore-prometheus/ https://devopstales.github.io/kubernetes/backup-and-retore-prometheus/ But couldn't able to see the restored data in new prometheus.

  2. Tried Pointing my Persistent volume to old PV as mentioned here -https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack/ In this method also i couldn't able to see metrics, servicemonitors/jobs, alerts getting backed up!






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