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use free texture packer for phaser3
I'm using phaser3 and free texture packer, is it possible to do that? if yes please tell me how?
I tried to use addAtlasJSONHash but it was logging that this function is undefined, so I tried game.add...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Is storing Phaser Containers computationally/space efficient? (2D game framework question)
This question is about Phaser.js, javascript game framework for creating games, though I think the question can probably be generalised to any framework like Pygame.
Say I want to represent different ...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Phaser 3: addTilesetImage to map built with images collection
I’ve built a map with Tiled with a tileset built from an images collection.
So, I would to know how to load this tileset in my scene?
Here where I am in my code work:
export default class PreloadLevel...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Odd behaviour in gravity from different directions matter js phaser 3
I'm making a platformer game, in which I have a powerup that lets you fly. On collision, I removed the powerup using powerup.gameObject.destroy() and disabled gravity using player.setIgnoreGravity(tru...
Prateek p
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Answers: 1