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How can I program the cpu to randomly press buttons?
I am creating a game in matlab app designer in which a player plays against the computer opponent. I want to code the CPU to press a button at random when it is its turn. For example, in TicTacToe the...
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Answers: 1
AppDesigner's issue related to the axis limits
here i have following code
classdef Average_Pepsi < matlab.apps.AppBase
% Properties that correspond to app components
properties (Access = public)
StockPricesAnalysisUIFigure mat...
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Answers: 1
uiswitch error (Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation) in App designer - Matlab
I am trying to add a switch in app designer using this code:
function SwitchValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.Switch.Value;
if (value == 'Off')
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Answers: 1
Vertical synchronized bar on multiple plots, following user cursor
I'm trying to create an app for data analysis.
I have multiple channels of acquisition of the same length, including a time vector.
Vectors as therefore synchronized (same index value corrispond to th...
unknown user
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