1 year ago
unknown user
Vertical synchronized bar on multiple plots, following user cursor
I'm trying to create an app for data analysis. I have multiple channels of acquisition of the same length, including a time vector. Vectors as therefore synchronized (same index value corrispond to the same time instant for every array).
I display data on different figures (UIAxes) in my app figure. To better and more easily use the application I would like the following to happen: each time the user hovers the cursor on any plot a vertical bar at the corrisponding x position of the cursor is displayed, on all the figures. All the figures display the same range of x values.
I also have a scatter figure with points from gps, still with the same length of the other arrays. On that figure I'd really like to have, instead of the vertical line, a crosshair.
I've found this part of code here but I can't adapt it to App Designer and it's also pretty old.
Any kind of help is very welcome.
EDIT: Matlab Version 2020b
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