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'No suitable driver found..' on AWS, works locally
I made a ktor application using exposed for db stuff and it works perfectly fine on my desktop, however when I deploy it on an AWS EC2 instance I get following error
Exposed - Transaction attempt #0 ...
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Answers: 1
Post multipart via ktor-client
I have to make a multipart request via ktor-client. Request method:
suspend fun uploadPhoto(userId: String, bitmapPhoto: BitmapPhoto) {
kotlin.runCatching {
val response: HttpR...
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Answers: 1
Explanation of Kotlin Syntax for Ktor in Application.kt
I'm new to Kotlin coming from the Python world, and wanted to get into Web Development with Kotlin with Ktor.
Now I've started the tutorial
Filip Jukic
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Answers: 1
Problems with database connection Ktor!!! I just don't understand why the ktor not to see the path of application.conf jbdc
I'm having a problem with my web project. It is my first time when i try connecting database. I want to connect database to see that working. I use Postgres and have set up a database. I want to conn...
The Crash Bom
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Answers: 1