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'No suitable driver found..' on AWS, works locally
I made a ktor application using exposed for db stuff and it works perfectly fine on my desktop, however when I deploy it on an AWS EC2 instance I get following error
Exposed - Transaction attempt #0 ...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Can't connection DB use ktor application
I try start ktor application with postgresql database. For it i used docker compose. My docker-compose.yml.
version: '3.0'
build: ./
command: ./ktor-sample
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Answers: 1
Nullable CompositeMoneyColumn, how to assign a nullable MonetaryAmount?
I had a column like this:
val notNullableAmount = compositeMoney(DECIMAL_PRECISION,
In this case I can assign...
Milo van der Zee
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
How to get the inserted row id in Kotlin Exposed inserting with raw sql?
i am inserting a row in a table with kotlin exposed using a raw sql.
Is it possible to return the row id?
val sql: String =
INSERT INTO customer (name, city) VALUES ('Tom', 'Dublin...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1