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Why am I getting parse error on input "{"
I am trying to run the very first example in this tutorial:
Call JVM Methods from Haskell
module Main where
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Language.Java.Inline.Plugin #-}
James Strieter
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Answers: 1
How to elegantly represent infinite Haskell recursive datastructure in Python?
Regarding How to elegantly represent finite Haskell recursive datastructure in Python?, I was thinking how would I represent an infinite data structure (without any non-constructor function inside it)...
Přemysl Šťastný
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Answers: 2
Is it possible to program GPU in pure Haskell?
I wonder, whether I can write code, which ought to be evaluated by GPU, in pure Haskell.
For example, a function for multiplication of two large matrices in GPU have (theoretically) no side effects, t...
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Answers: 0
How to elegantly represent finite Haskell recursive datastructure in Python?
Let's have some finite recursive datastructure in Haskell. Eg.
data Tree = Node Tree Tree | Nil
I need to be able to load such datastructure from Haskell to Python, change it and return it back to Ha...
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Answers: 1