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Cannot profile a build with stack LTS 19.2 (GHC 9.0.2)
I am trying to build a profilable executable with stack build --profile. stack build, stack test, and stack ghci all work correctly. (Full repo for reference)
I get many errors like the following:
Xavier Shay
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Answers: 1
How Haskell linking may work given that STG generates custom ABI
As far as I understand,code generated from STG uses very custom ABI, which even has custom call stack.
How linker does work then? Does GHC use custom linker?
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Answers: 1
What good is the open world assumption?
As a (somewhat contrived) example, say I want to use generics to figure out when a type is uninhabited (by a non-bottom value). I can get most of the way there just fine:
class Absurd a where
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Answers: 1
How to get haskell compiler version within code without a long list of CPP if/else conditionals?
Something along the lines of:
import GHC.Version qualified
main :: IO ()
main = print $ GHC.Version.current
-- would print Version 8 10 7
A roundabout way is to execute ghc --version from shell:
Cigarette Smoking Man
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Answers: 1