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Problem adding Flutter DIalogflow and Firebase Storage to dependencies
I am trying to add flutter_dialogflow and firebase_storage to my dependencies for a flutter project. But when ever I try to add a recent version of firebase storage to pubspec.yaml file it gives me th...
Daniel Akinola
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
QnA maker And Dialogflow Knowledge Base
I have QnA Maker and Dialogflow knowledge base. I am trying to develop a faq bot. I need to know which is better to use the Dialogflow knowledge base or QnA Maker. Can some one tell me which is better...
nileena shaju
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How to Receive WhatsApp Audios Messages Using Twilio for Dialogflow
I am doing a chatbot with dialogflow-es and I connected it with twilio for whatsapp, but the problem now is that I want that dialogflow receive the audio´s user, but I don´t know how....
Fox C
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Integrating Twilio verfiy API with Dialogflow intent to ask for mobile number for OTP
I have made a working OTP Flow with Node.js and used the Verify API from Twilio for the SMS OTP. I tested it on Postman by adding and testing request everything from getting the OTP and verifying the ...
Daniel Akinola
Votes: 0
Answers: 0