1 year ago



Daniel Akinola

Problem adding Flutter DIalogflow and Firebase Storage to dependencies

I am trying to add flutter_dialogflow and firebase_storage to my dependencies for a flutter project. But when ever I try to add a recent version of firebase storage to pubspec.yaml file it gives me this error

Because no versions of flutter_dialogflow match >0.1.3 <0.2.0 and flutter_dialogflow 0.1.3 depends on http ^0.12.0+2, flutter_dialogflow ^0.1.3 requires http ^0.12.0+2. And because firebase_storage_web >=1.0.0 depends on http ^0.13.0, flutter_dialogflow ^0.1.3 is incompatible with firebase_storage_web >=1.0.0. Because firebase_storage >=10.2.9 <10.2.10 depends on firebase_storage_web ^3.2.10 and firebase_storage >=10.2.10 depends on firebase_storage_web ^3.2.11, firebase_storage >=10.2.9 requires firebase_storage_web ^3.2.10. Thus, flutter_dialogflow ^0.1.3 is incompatible with firebase_storage >=10.2.9. So, because flutterbotv2 depends on both flutter_dialogflow ^0.1.3 and firebase_storage ^10.2.9, version solving failed. pub get failed (1; So, because flutterbotv2 depends on both flutter_dialogflow ^0.1.3 and firebase_storage ^10.2.9, version solving failed.)

To resolve this I had to add a very old version of firebase storage which also gave me this error when I ran pub get in the pubspec.yaml file

The plugin firebase_storage uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding. To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if this plugin supports the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider removing it since a future release of Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs. If you are plugin author, take a look at the docs for migrating the plugin to the V2 embedding: https://flutter.dev/go/android-plugin-migration.

Please does anyone know a way around this problem because I really need both dependencies for a project I'm working on. This are my dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file

        sdk: flutter
      cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
      flutter_dialogflow: ^0.1.3
      hexcolor: ^2.0.6
      eva_icons_flutter: ^3.1.0
      firebase_core: ^1.14.0
      firebase_storage: ^0.3.2




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