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StreamBuilder / ChangeNotifierProvider- setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build
Streambuilder, ChangeNotifier and Consumer cannot figure out how to use correctly. Flutter
I've tried and tried and tried, I've searched a lot but I cannot figure this out:
I'm using a Streambuilder t...
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Answers: 1
Kafka built on Kubernetes gets stuck while consuming
I installed Kafka(3.1.0) as Stateful on Kubernetes. Then I created a Topic. We send data to this topic by receiving data with HA proxy from outside of Kubernetes. Then we consume this data with an app...
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Spring Kafka multiple topic for one class dynamically
I recently wanted to add a new behavior in my project that uses spring-kafka.
The idea is really simple :
App1 create a new scenario name "SCENARIO_1" and publish this string in the topic &...
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Answers: 1
get results from kafka for a specific period of time
Here is my code, that uses kafka-python.
now =
month_ago = now - relativedelta(month=1)
topic = 'some_topic_name'
consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic, bootstrap_servers=PROD_KAFKA_SERVER,
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Answers: 2