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Why do I get Intermittent "NoBrokersAvailable" errors, with python application (kafka-python Producer)?
I’m trying to make a connection to Kafka on AWS. Communication is done over TLS.<br>
Kafka-python==2.0.2 is used, and the KafkaProducer configuration is as follows:
From Kafka import KafkaProduc...
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Answers: 2
Error "certificate has expired" when connecting to Confluent Cloud Kafka
I created a Kafka cluster at I am trying to write a simple producer, with kafka-python.
Here is my producer code:
from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(
Wallace Kelly
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Answers: 1
Set consumer offset
If I want get all messages from to start offset, I run this shell command:
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092
--topic 1-codicefiscale-21032022122736-i
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Answers: 1
Kafka python consumer not receiving new data inserted into the source data
I have my source database as Mysql and sink database as Cassandra. Python producer code establishes connection with Mysql and sends data to kafka topic, in my case the topic name is demo. The consumer...
Tej Patel
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Answers: 0