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Typescript + NestJs + Class Transformer: How to use generic types in response DTO?
I have multiple endpoints that return a response including pagination details. I would like to use one parent type for the pagination and pass in different data-types for the data param.
I tried the f...
Felix Hagspiel
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Answers: 1
Mongoose id and _id changes the value in response
I am getting different ID value in JSON response when checking variable as id & _id in DTO
CASE I ( using id as variable )
DTO for the response
export class UserDetail {
@Expose( )
Votes: 0
Answers: 3
How to return an object as error message from DTO in nestjs?
How can I return an object as validation error instead of strings?
We have our own error structure and I could do what I want, using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, like follows:
import { IsNotEmpty, I...
Miad Abdi
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Answers: 0
map multiple properties to single nested object using typescript and class-transformer
I'm using class-transformer (in nestjs) to convert my database entities into dto types to output from my api.
My database entities look like:
class MyEntity {
id: string;
property1: string;
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Answers: 4