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Can't create mock constructor for user model
When I'm trying to mock my user model to test my service, the nest console throws this TypeError, but I don't know how 'emulate' the constructor of user model
import { Test, Testi...
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Answers: 1
Is it possible to have multiple local strategies in passport implemented with NestJS
I have a scenario where I need to implement an authentication mechanism for admin and for normal users in my application using the Passport local strategy. I implemented the strategy for the normal us...
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Answers: 1
Why I get no overload matches with typeorm and nest.js
Hey I'm trying to create an entity for task and use this entity,
so here is my task entity:
import {
kyrolos magdy
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Answers: 1
CreateDateColumn/UpdateDateColumn save an incorrect date
I have a problem at the moment to create or updating a register. The issue is, that the time saved in the columns CreateDateColumn/UpdateDateColumn, saves a different hour compare with the time on my ...
Pedro Miguel Pimienta Morales
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Answers: 1