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AWS mount of EFS drive fails when drive policy requires encryption in transit
The error message "mount.nfs4: access denied by server while mounting " leads to this debug page: While the advi...
Nathan Zook
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Answers: 1
unable to create efs secondary gid via terraform
any clues why my secondary gid is not accepted here? I'm using terraform 0.14.10 and getting this error:
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on line 101, in resource "aws_efs_access_...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Kubernetes - Nginx cached content is getting deleted when stored in AWS EFS volume
I am using the official Nginx image with modified config to cache origin responses. The configuration below is includeed in the http block inside the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (The main config file for Ng...
Feras Maali
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Answers: 0
Problem Mounting EFS through .ebextensions on EB using Linux 2
We have a .war, containing an .ebextensions folder with the storage-efs-mountfilesystem.config, which mounts the efs to the EC2 Instance. On Linux 1 it works like a charm. Now we use the same war on L...
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Answers: 1