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Consume Web Service, Serialize XML response, save xml to database
I have this situation, I am creating a Web Service in C# where I need to consume a SOAP Web Service, which gives me an XML response back, I need to serialize this XML response and save it to a table i...
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Answers: 1
.NET 6 XmlSerializer throws JIT compiler error (invalid IL code)
I have a problem while the serialization of objects in C# .NET Core 6.
When I try to serialize my objects (which is only intended to generate my XML) it throws the following error:
Robert Wolf
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Answers: 1
Encoding xml as ISO-8859-1
I sent an xml file which I created while serializing an object and received a response that it is incorrect and not well-formed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Answers: 1
Add XmlAttribute to XmlElement in c# class
I want to add an Xml Attribute to my class property that is XmlElement:
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "item")]
public class Item
[XmlElement(ElementName = "title")]
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Answers: 0