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Cucumber-POM hybrid framework implementation issues
I first created a POM model framework for a test practice with LOG4J, listners for Screenshots.
Later tried to add Cucumber BDD framework also into the same framework. I'm able to run the tests as exp...
LaN tHe MaN
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Playwright Test - work in 4 browsers(Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Webkit), toggle button problems
The test passes successfully for Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers and gives an error for Firefox and Webkit browsers. When running the same test at the same time.
Gives this error:
waiting for eleme...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Asking Dropdown fo temperature input with selenium in python
Dear All in Stackover flow,
I need your help :
I need to handle change input of bodytemperature
Picture of Web change body temperature
I need input this body temperature with random value between 35....
Brian Ramdhani
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
WebdriverIO typescript mocha to get last similar classname on a table <tr><td>
I need to get the last classname data, the number of classname is dynamic, so the number of classname cannot be determined and it always change every time i run the automation, but I just need to get ...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2