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How to open a specified ssh host and get connect result or error message in my extension?
In my extensionm, I want to call remote-ssh api to open a remote host in a new window, and then get the connect result and error message, and then I want to parse the error message and suggest some fi...
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Answers: 0
VSCode Error: Could not fetch remote environment. Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: WebSocket close with status code 1006)
I have a VScode application and when i try to use the SSH Remote function to connect to external VMs, it comes up with this error:
Websocket Error in VScode (Windows 11)
Now, this just happened all of...
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Answers: 0
Remote-SSH in VS Code: The vscode server failed to start SSH problem
I use Remote-SSH to connect to my Macbook(Windows->Mac OS). It worked good, but one day the connection failed and I can't connect to my Mac afterwards. The Remote-SSH in my VS Code can still open c...
Votes: 0
Answers: 3
Why VSCode enters infinite loop showing "extesion is disabled, would you like to enable and open the url?"
I develop an extenison and register onUri to receive the url "vscode://<extensionid>/". I publish the extension to the marketplace. When I open url in my webbrowser, the VSCode will b...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1