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Vega-lite: skip invalid values instead of treating as 0 for aggregate sum
When doing an aggregate sum on a column and charting it using Vega-Lite, is it possible to skip invalid values instead of treating them as 0 when doing the addition? When there is missing/invalid data...
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Answers: 1
vega-lite show all x-axis values
I have a vega-lite bar chart with years as the x-axis (counts as the y). The user selects a range of years to show. When the data is sparse, some years have a 0 count and are not showing on the char...
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Answers: 1
How to filter data using a slider in vega-lite?
I am using the following code to plot a bubble plot using vega-lite. I want to transform values as I change the year value using the slider. But it's not working.
"$schema": "https:...
Shreyas Chaudhari
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Is there a way to customize the placement of concatenated charts in Altair?
I have the following chart in Altair, and I was wondering if there is a way to change the orientation of the map chart. I have tried using the "center" and "spacing" parameters, bu...
Murtaza Ali
Votes: 0
Answers: 1