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Create vector tile in azure maps with a million points
I want to create an Azure map to plot a million data points, how can i create this in azure maps and load the same to my angular application using the map url?
something like this to load my custom po...
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Answers: 1
Drawing multiple layers from vector tile in OpenLayers
I'm creating vector tiles with Postgis (ST_AsMVT()) and rendering them with OpenLayers (ol/layer/VectorTile) and styling them with style file (ol-mapbox-style). I have multiple layers in one pbf file....
ah laht
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Answers: 0
Leaftlet-Geojson-VT Vector tile showing Points way off from their actual coordinates
I am using leaflet.js to plot geographic data. I have been using the plugin based on geojson-vt: to create vector tiles.
My maps overall work fine for t...
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Answers: 0
How to use Ordance Survey vector tiles with React-Leaflet?
I'm unsure of the correct syntax to add Ordnance Survey vector tiles to a React-Leaflet application.
The example code at
Stephen Lead
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Answers: 1