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Why Hilt isn't necessary for unit tests, but it is necessary for UI tests?
Hilt testing guide documentaton has this paragraph about Unit test
Hilt isn't necessary for unit tests, since when testing a class that uses constructor injection, you don't need to use Hilt to insta...
milad mosavie
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Answers: 1
Composable does not remember input when changing configuration in test
I'm writing instrumented tests for a Jetpack Compose component. My composable uses rememberSaveable to remember between configuration changes (activity restarts):
fun AddUserScreen() {
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Answers: 0
Appium inspector not recognizing iOS elements or refreshing
I am unable to use the Apppium Inspector in iOS.
When I load a desired capability set into Appium Inspector the app loads fine as shown below
I am unable to do anything after that point though. Issue...
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Answers: 2
Jetpack Compose UI Testing Button onClick
I'm trying to test how a buttonClick would change the UI.
The test is setup like this:
composeRule.setContent {
var i by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
Button(modifier = Modifier.testTag("...
Jüri Kiin
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Answers: 1