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How to automate video editing for streaming
Let me describe the problem I am facing:
I would like to record a room with a fixed camera, and put the video live on Twitch. In the room will be present two ore three people talking around a table, w...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Can't send a message to the Twitch chat using JS
I'm trying to make a script in the dev console to get a list of vip users on twitch and find out the date of the last message on the channel. To do this, I need to send a command /vips to the chat, an...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
How to read IRC chat messages
Using Perl module AnyEvent::IRC::Connection I am able to connect to Twitch server as follows:
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::IRC::Connection;
use Data::Dumper;
use constant IRC_ADDR => '
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
TwitchIO not recognizing the command used before
I am having the problem where if I run my bot, the first time I use a command, link !hello it send 'Hello (and the author)' back. But when I then try it again, it doesn't respond anymore. It does prin...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1