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Python + OpenCV - Show Video Feed from other script on Tkinter GUI
I have written a Python Script with the sole intention of detecting text on the webcam video feed using cv2 and pytesseract.
This function is called webcamOCR, and it's in
For ...
Josue Marin
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Answers: 0
TesseractOCR PHP catching errors
TesseractOCR PHP, how do I catch the error if the image returns no text?
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught thiagoalessio\TesseractOCR\UnsuccessfulCommandException: Error!
ジョーンズ Chris
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Answers: 1
Getting to PyTesseract to work on cropped images of digits - unable to get correct digits
I am trying read digits from the face of a six sided die. It is a cropped image of just the face of the die. However, despite using many different configurations for image_to_string function I mostly ...
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Answers: 1
Tesseract doesn't recognize number
I'm deskewing an image containing a number using Projection profile based skew estimation algorithm and extracting it through OCR.
In order to calculate the correct skew angle, we compare the maximum ...
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Answers: 0