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SwiftUI @AppStroage - 'Simultaneous accesses to *, but modification requires exclusive access'
In my project I was dealing with this issue. After many hours, I was able to track down the causes and reduce them into a small demo, but do not understand the real issue. As you can see in the below...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Why would an init cause a NavigationLink to fail in Swiftui?
I have two pieces of test code to check that things worked out. Basically I wanted to navigate from one view to a specific tag on a TabView page. Everything worked out until I put an init in the desti...
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Answers: 0
Conditional onTapGesture in SwiftUI
I have a navigation link and I need a different behavior when its label (MyView) is tapped depending on the edit mode (or any other condition):
If we are not in edit mode, I want to trigger the navig...
Votes: 0
Answers: 4
navigationLink to tag in another view
Here's an edited version of the question. I'm working in Swiftui and I have two views. The first has two NavigationLinks. The second link is where I get stuck. I would like that link to go to 'tabTwo'...
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Answers: 0