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Calling printf or puts from MASM64 assembly does nothing, but calling WriteConsoleA works?
I am currently trying to learn assembly programming with MASM64. I have managed to get WriteConsoleA to work, but am stuck trying to use C functions like printf or puts. It should be noted that I am u...
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Answers: 1
How to use sshpass without TTY on a Node.JS backend?
I am running the following in a script:
pubkey=$(gpg2 --verbose --export-ssh-key $EXPORT_THIS_ID)
sshpass -p$REMOTE_PASS ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -tt -p $REMOTE_PORT root@...
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Answers: 1
Is 'std::ios::sync_with_stdio(true);' before 'scanf()' and 'std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);' after, a good practice?
I haven't found yet an alternative to the scanf function to store an input number (as an unsigned tiny integer, not really as char) into an unsigned char variable, but, reading around Internet (and A ...
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Answers: 1
How to copy the content of a binary file into an array
I am currently working on a chip-8 emulator and I have a method which loads in the program by copying a binary file into an array called 'memory'. However, it doesn't work as mentioned on the tutorial...
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Answers: 1