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How to remove records with blank values based on existence in specific column? - SQL
I want to remove all records with blank values in prev and next - but only for cases where the curr value still exists elsewhere. For example,
prev curr next rand_value
B ...
Ricardo Francois
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Passing NULL value into the SQL server with Android Studio
How do I accept null values into the SQL Server database with Kotlin? I am trying to make that if the user does not input anything into the column, it will return null instead in the SQL Server. But I...
Christopher Chua
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
repeat value of a row when other row is null
I have a table like this:
id | nu_cns | nu_cpf | co_dim_tempo | sifilis | hiv
908 | null | 347 | 1 | y | n
908 | 708 | null | 2 | y | y
908 | 708 | ...
Italo Rodrigo
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
SQL : duplicate columns with NULL values
I'm trying to get the number of quantities per month and per application taking into account a weighting:
SELECT jan.app_name, fev.app_name, jan.api, fev.api, jan.user_id, fev.user_id, qt_janvier, qt_...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1