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Is SemaphoreSlim needed when Channel's SingleReader is set to true
When sending data fast enough, InvalidOperationException is being thrown: 'There is already one outstanding 'SendAsync' call for this WebSocket instance. ClientWebSocket.ReceiveAsync and ClientWebSock...
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Answers: 2
Why do these processes stay blocked even though the semaphore supposedly frees them?
I'm learning about synchronization with semaphores and message queues and I'm having a problem with an assignment.
I am trying to synchronize several child processes (the parent has a completely diffe...
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Answers: 0
Why We unlink semaphores before we initializes them?
I was going through a code (a solution to dinning philosophers problem ) and comes the part where the programmer initializes his semaphores, However before he initializes each one , he first unlink it...
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Answers: 2
Multithreading issue with semaphore
I need to have the piece of code which allowed to execute only by 1 thread at the same time based on parameter key:
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> Semaph...
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Answers: 2