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Running multiples files jobs with one sbatch
I want to run N files (N jobs) that are inside N folders that are in my pwd such :
contains file_1
contains file_2
contains file_N
For one file_1 i just have...
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Answers: 2
MPI bind ranks to specific nodes via Slurm
I use sbatch to allocate an MPI job with (let's say) 8 ranks.
I use 4 nodes: node0[01-04].
I would like to bind rank 0 to the first node (node001) and the other ranks to the other nodes (node0[02-04])...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Cannot use Java in a SLURM job on an HPC
I am trying to run a simple script on a Linux HPC, where I am looping over a number of RNA-seq files and want to call fastQC, a Java based program, on each of the files.
In the script I'm calling a wr...
Ben Wendel
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Answers: 1
How to debug the job array for SLURM through two loops?
I need to submit many jobs for the cluster by slurm. Each job takes different input files from different folders. My problem is the output is incomplete, and outputs after the first 8 combinations kee...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1