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Lightning Messaging Service Subscriber is not receiving messages from Publisher
Despite numerous tutorials I cannot get a simple LMS example to work that is virtually cut and paste from samples. I have created an extremely simple pair of LWCs, one that publishes a hard coded val...
Michael Rosola
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
VS code Hidden folder permission denied
Visual Studio code is not able to open files or folder within hidden folders. If I go to the file within the hidden folder .sfdx and try opening the file sfdx-config.json then Vs code opens with below...
Suhas Jain
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Mulesoft: How can I apply the {header:false} option when getting an Excel file from server
In DataWeave when using the readUrl() function, I can utilize the {"header":false} option as shown below to give the column as the key and cell as the value in a JSON object:
var myInput = r...
Jakes Vandenberg
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
API to retrieve contacts datas from SalesForce
From my app, I want to use SalesForce APIs to get datas about contacts (first/last name, mobile phone, email).
1/ is it free $ to use SalesForce APIs ?
2/ Where can I have access to the information...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1