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How to define a piecewise map in sage
I want to define in Sage the following
map. I've attempted to use the following code in Sage:
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Answers: 1
How do I evaluate an expression with trignometric functions & also complex numbers in Sagemath?
I wanted to verify if n-th roots of unity are actually the n-th roots of unity?
i.e. if (root)^n = 1
I was trying to use sagemath to do this.
For e.g. for regular expressions sage seems to evaluate st...
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Answers: 1
how to add julia kernel in sage notebook for windows?
how to add julia kernel in sage notebook for windows?I have sagemath installed on windows but I can't install the kernel to use julia.
joão marcello pereira pereira
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Answers: 0
Does `continued_fraction(d)` for a quadratic field element d compute whole preperiod and period eagerly?
New to sage, toying with continued fractions. I noticed that my code experiences performance degradation when I use continued_fraction(d), where d is represented as a QuadraticField element, and the C...
Szczepan Hołyszewski
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Answers: 0