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How to filter the HERE API V7 reversegeocode api to by resulttype?
I am applying the migration of HERE geocoder API from v6 to v7.
My requirement is to fetch the available cities around the selected address by radius.
In v6 I have achieved this by using the below obj...
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Answers: 1
Reverse geocoding from a GeoJSON
For my flutter app, I need offline reverse geocoding support. To do that I've created a geojson. But couldn't find good support for reverse geocoding from a geojson in dart. How can I achieve this fea...
shafayat hossain
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Answers: 0
How to get Country name by its coordinates using qml?
I tried with Geocodemodel reversing process but after calling it 2-3 times or giving timer then only its giving correct value that to its working sometimes only.
Plugin {
id: mapPlugin
name: "osm...
Joshika Netha Namani
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Google reverse geocoding, get City/Country from latlng
Currently I am making an API request to,2.333333 where the latlng is the geo-point of Paris,France. What filters exac...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2