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Glob pattern to include all files in 'src/main/resources' into GraalVM binary
I have a Java project using Gradle to build. The folder structure is as below:
<project name>
|- app
|- bin/
|- build/
|- src/
| |- main/
| |- java
| | |- <package...
Thach Van
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Laravel JsonResource (resource collection) add extra data to response
I'm working with laravel (v7) resources and I have a resource that extends JsonResource and I call this resource from the controller with pagination. I would like to add additional attribute extra nex...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Spring change file content
In my Spring Boot application, I want to fill my file with values from my POST REQUEST @RequestBody Parameters. For Example, I have file with several lines and on unknown line I have <parameters>...
Nikusha Ozashvili
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Why do I get NullPointerException when trying to access resource file?
I want to make so a file in the program is packaged in the jar file because it is needed in my program. It is the firebase credentials file. I read that I need to add it to the resource folder but now...
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Answers: 0