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Running .NET project Jasmine tests in Azure pipeline build server
There are some Jasmine unit tests inside the .NET Framework project, we could able to run the unit tests in Visual Studio-19 via ReSharper. We already have a Build server in Azure pipeline which is co...
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How can I edit the ReSharper code cleanup profile without a license?
I am trying to use ReSharper's CleanupCode Command-Line Tool, which I believe can be used without a ReSharper license. That command-line tool accepts a --profile option. However, I can't figure out h...
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How to run tests of R# plugin from CLI
I want to execute the tests from this R#/Rider plugin within a GitHub Action and therefore I need to run the tests from the CLI. Simply runnning dotnet test does exactly nothing but building the proje...
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Answers: 2
Rider - .editorconfig: File scoped namespaces not respected
I'm using Rider 2021.3.3 (latest version), and when I have the latest .NET SDK on my machine (.NET 6).
Inside the .editorconfig file, I have added the following:
csharp_namespace_body = file_scoped
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