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Rollout summary statistics not being monitored for CustomEnv using Stable-Baselines3
I am trying to train a custom environment using PPO via Stable-Baselines3 and OpenAI Gym. For some reason the rollout statistics are not being reported for this custom environment when I try to train ...
Alex Hill
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Why is the Stable-Baselines3 evaluate_policy() function never finishing/completing?
I have created my own custom environment using OpenAI Gym and Stable-Baselines3. Once I've trained the agent, I try to evaluate the policy using the evaluate_policy() function from stable_baselines3.c...
Alex Hill
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How do I discretise a continuous observation and action space in Python?
My professor has asked me to apply a Policy Iteration method on the Pendulum-V1 gym environment in OpenAI.
Pendulum-V1 has the following Environment:
Type: Box(3)
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Answers: 0
Reinforcement learning does nothing when using test forex data
I am experimenting with RL and I am trying to write an AI so it can learn to trade the Forex market. Here is my code below:
from gym import Env
from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box
import numpy as np
Joshua Attridge
Votes: 0
Answers: 2