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In Gatsby how to render React Icons dynamically from gatsby-config's menuLinks?
Following Gatsby's doc on Creating Dynamic Navigation in Gatsby I created a barebones menu and wanted to see if I can add React Icons' components to it:
gatsby-config.js (stripped down)
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Answers: 2
Icons from react-icons with classes name instead of component
Is there a way in React Icons to specify my icons as a string, for example for the class name?
Currently I am using a React UI library which requires the names of the icons to be passed as their class...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Import React Icons- FiMoreHorizontal - Error
Following a tutorial to build a Twitter clone and I have to import:
import { FiMoreHorizontal } from 'react-icons/fi' 2.3K (gzipped: 1K)
import { VscTwitter } from 'react-icons/vsc' 3.1K (gzipped: 1.5...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
PrimeReact in combination with react-icons
I was wondering if it is somehow possible to use the icons from the react-icons package in PrimeReact, since the primeIcons package unfortunately does not contain all the icons I need for my project.
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Answers: 2