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reset error boundary on back journey using useErrorHandler hook from react-error-boundary
I am using react-error-boundary package to show the fall back UI in case application throws any errors. The package works fine for me. I need to understand how to reset application error state if I go...
SuRaj Creator
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Answers: 3
error prop's type of fallbackRender in react-error-boundary question
i want to use AxiosError like below.
fallbackRender={({ resetErrorBoundary, error }) => {
// here! type error!
React Begginer
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Answers: 1
React ErrorBoundary doesn't catch "cannot read properties of undefined"
I faced a weird edge case with React ErrorBoundary. Exceptions are not being processed if they happen in inline expression. For example:
const page = webtexts[courseId].pages[pageFamilyId]; // Returns...
Oleksandr Danylchenko
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Answers: 2
How to detect if no errors thrown in React Error Boundary?
I'm trying to emit a 0-errors metric when an Error Boundary does not trigger.
However, it seems there's nothing like a "componentDidntCatch" lifecycle method, and if I do something like:
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Answers: 0